19 research outputs found

    GIS-based hydrogeologica platform for sedimentary media

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    The detailed 3D hydrogeological modelling of sedimentary media that form important aquifers is very complex because of: (1) the natural intrinsic heterogeneity of the geological media, (2) the need for integrating reliable 3D geological models that represent this heterogeneity in the hydrogeological modelling process and (3) the scarcity of comprenhensive tools for the systematic management of spatial and temporal dependent data. The first aim of this thesis was the development of a software platform to facilitate the creation of 3D hydrogeological models in sedimentary media. It is composed of a hydrogeological geospatial database and several sets of instruments working within a GIS environment. They were designed to manage, visualise, analyse, interpret and pre and post-process the data stored in the spatial database. The geospatial database (HYDOR) is based on the Personal Geodatabase structure of ArcGIS(ESRI) and enables the user to integrate into a logical and consistent structure the wide range of spatio-temporal dependent groundwater information from different sources and different formats. A set of applications in the database were established to facilitate and ensure the correct data entry in accordance with existing international standards. The set of analysis tools was developed as an extension of ArcMap environment (ArcGIS).This set of tools was separated into three main modules represented by different toolbars. The first toolbar, termed HEROS, allows the user to exploit the geological data stored in the database and facilitate the generation of 3D geological models. Detailed stratigraphic columns of the selected boreholes can be generated using customized queries. The automatic creation of a geological profile is possible by displaying the borehole lithological columns, the geophysical and geotechnical field-test results, and the defined stratigraphic units.The second toolbar, which is known as QUIMET, is composed of a set of instruments for analysis that cover a wide range of methodologies for querying, interpreting and comparing groundwater quality parameters. They include, among others, chemical time-series analysis, ionic balance calculations, correlation of chemical parameters, and calculation of various common hydrogeochemical diagrams. Moreover, it is also possible to perform a complete statistical analysis of the data including descriptive statistical univariate and bivariate analyses.The last toolbar (HYYH) was designed to analyse and visualise different hydrogeological measurements and hydraulic field test results. Contour maps and further spatial operations of the depth or thickness of the aquifers could be generated using customized queries. Likewise, piezometric maps can be created for the selected points and for the selected period of time with another command included in this toolbar. Additionally, multi-criteria query forms enable the user to analyse and visualise different data and interpretations derived from hydraulic tests. The interpreted data and calculations can be easily stored and consulted in the same platform and can be used to build an updatable model database for further interpretations. Thus, each new study does not have to start from scratch. The second aim of this thesis is to implement this modelling platform in the urban area of Barcelona (NE, Spain) to structure all the available data and to set up a working framework of groundwater resources in terms of both quantity and quality. Concretely, in the Besòs Delta area (NE Barcelona), the integration of the available data into the HYDOR database and the use of the aforementioned instruments and methods allowed us to: 1) delimit the geological units by means of sequence stratigraphic subdivision, 2) generate the 3D facies belt-based model of the Delta built on the basis of this geological characterisation and 3) use this model to constrain the distribution of hydraulic parameters and thus obtain a consistent hydrogeological model.La modelización hidrogeológica tridimensional de los medios sedimentarios (p.ej. sedimentos aluviales, deltas) que suelen constituir acuíferos importantes es compleja debido principalmente a tres factores: (1) la heterogeneidad natural intrínseca del medio, (2) la necesidad de integrar un modelo geológico tridimensional que represente dicha heterogeneidad adecuadamente en los procesos de modelización hidrogeológica y (3) la escasez de herramientas apropiadas para gestionar grandes cantidades de datos hidrogeológicos espacio- temporales. El primer objetivo de esta tesis ha sido el desarrollo de una plataforma software en un entorno GIS que facilite la realización de modelos hidrogeológicos 3D. Está compuesta por una base de datos geoespacial y un conjunto de herramientas que permiten al usuario gestionar, visualizar, analizar, interpretar y pre-post procesar los datos almacenados en dicha base de datos. El modelo de bases de datos propuesta en esta tesis (HYDOR) se ha implementado en una base de datos geoespacial del tipo Personal Geodatabase (ArcGIS, ESRI) y permite la integración en una estructura coherente y lógica de un amplio rango de tipos de información hidrogeológica procedentes de diversas fuentes y con diferentes formatos. Los diferentes instrumentos desarrollados para explotar los datos almacenados en la base de datos se han creado como una extensión de ArcMap (ArcGIS; ESRI) y se reagrupan formando tres barras de herramientas. La primera barra de herramientas (HEROS) además de facilitarnos el análisis y la interpretación de los datos geológicos almacenados en la base de datos, nos permite generar modelos geológicos tridimensionales. Entre las funciones de dichas herramientas, está la de poder visualizar la información geológica aportada por los sondeos en forma de columna estratigráfica así como la generación automática de perfiles geológicos que muestran las diferentes columnas estratigráficas de los sondeos seleccionados. Información útil como los resultados de los ensayos geofísicos así como las unidades geológicas definidas aparecen también en la pantalla del mismo perfil geológico. Este entorno es óptimo para que el usuario analice y defina las superficies de correlación, las diferentes unidades geológicas y las posibles fallas. Estos elementos espaciales se pueden visualizar en tres dimensiones. Finalmente, otra herramienta nos proporciona la parametrización hidráulica inicial (para el modelo hidrogeológico) de las diferentes unidades geológicas partiendo de las características texturales de las mismas. La segunda barra de herramientas, QUIMET, cubre un amplio rango de metodologías para consultar, interpretar y comparar diferentes parámetros hidroquímicos. Además nos permite desarrollar un análisis estadístico completo en el que se incluyen entre otros, análisis estadísticos univariante, bivariante y generación de matrices de correlación de diferentes compuestos químicos. La última barra de herramientas (HYYH) se ha diseñado para visualizar y analizar los datos hidrogeológicos entre los que se incluyen los procedentes de ensayos hidráulicos. Usando estas herramientas se pueden generar mapas de isolineas y otras representaciones espaciales que nos permitan visualizar la profundidad o el espesor de los acuíferos. Del mismo modo, se pueden obtener mapas piezometricos de los puntos seleccionados para un intervalo de tiempo determinado por el usuario. Finalmente, otra herramienta nos permite consultar las interpretaciones procedentes de ensayos hidráulicos. La información obtenida usando todas estas herramientas, también se almacenan en la base de datos constituyendo de este modo una base para futuras interpretaciones. El segundo objetivo de esta tesis ha sido la aplicación de esta plataforma software en la gestión de los datos disponibles del área urbana de Barcelona (NE de España) obteniendo con ello una herramienta apropiada de gestión de los recursos hídricos de esta zona tanto en términos de calidad como de cantidad. Concretamente en la zona del Delta del Besòs (NE de Barcelona), la aplicación de esta plataforma de gestión nos ha facilitado lo siguiente: (1) la delimitación de unidades geológicas basadas en criterios de estratigrafía secuencial, (2) la generación de un modelo geológico tridimensional de facies basado en dichos criterios estratigráficos, (3) el uso del modelo geológico obtenido par establecer la distribución espacial de los parámetros hidráulicos que nos han servido para generar un modelo hidrogeológico consistenete del complejo deltaico. Este modelo se ha calibrado además con datos incluidos también en la base de datos y que proceden de diversos puntos tanto de gestión como de producción durante de los últimos 100 años. Todo esto ha supuesto una mejora significativa en la caracterización geológica del Delta del Besòs lo que nos ha llevado a mejorar su caracterización hidrogeológica.La modelització hidrogeològica tridimensional dels mitjans sedimentaris que solen constituir aqüífers importants (p.ex. sediments al·luvials, deltes) és complexa. Això es deu principalment a tres factors: (1) l'heterogeneïtat natural intrínseca del medi, (2) la necessitat d'integrar un model geològic tridimensional que representi adequadament l’heterogeneïtat en els processos de modelització hidrogeològica i (3) l'escassetat d'eines apropiades per gestionar grans quantitats de dades hidrogeològiques espai-temporals. El primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat el desenvolupament d'una plataforma software en un entorn GIS que faciliti la realització de models hidrogeològics 3D. Està composta per una base de dades geoespacial i un conjunt d'eines que permeten que l’usuari gestioni, visualitzar, analitzi, interpreti i pre-post processi les dades emmagatzemades en la base de dades. El model de bases de dades proposada en aquesta tesi (HYDOR) s'ha implementat en una base de dades geoespacial de tipus Personal Geodatabase (ArcGIS , ESRI), que permet la integració d'un ampli rang de tipus d'informació hidrogeològica procedents de diverses fonts i formats en una estructura coherent i lògica. Les diferents eines desenvolupades per l’explotació de les dades emmagatzemades a la base de dades s'han implementat com una extensió d’ArcMap (ESRI). Aquestes eines es reagrupen en tres barres diferents. La primera barra d'eines, HEROS, ens permet analitzar i interpretar les dades geològiques emmagatzemades a la base de dades, permetent alhora la creació de models geològics tridimensionals. També s'han desenvolupat eines que permeten visualitzar la informació geològica aportada pels sondejos en forma de columna estratigràfica, així com generar automàticament perfils geològics per mostrar diferents columnes estratigràfiques de sondejos preseleccionats. A la pantalla del mateix perfil geològic també apareix informació útil com són els resultats dels assaigs geofísics o les unitats geològiques definides. Aquest entorn és òptim perquè l'usuari analitzi i defineixi les superfícies de correlació, les diferents unitats geològiques i les possibles falles. Els elements espacials definits es poden visualitzar en tres dimensions. Finalment, una altra eina ens proporciona la parametrització hidràulica inicial de les diferents unitats geològiques (per al model hidrogeològic) partint de les seves característiques texturals. La segona barra d' eines, QUIMET, inclou un ampli rang de metodologies de consulta, interpretació i comparació de diferents paràmetres hidroquímics. A més a més, també ens permet desenvolupar un anàlisi estadístic complet en el que s'inclouen, entre altres, anàlisis estadístics univariant, bivariant i generació de matrius de correlació de diferents compostos químics. L'última barra d' eines, HYYH, s'ha dissenyat per a visualitzar i analitzar les dades hidrogeològiques, entre d’altres, els procedents d'assajos hidràulics. Amb aquestes eines es poden generar mapes d'isolínies i altres representacions espacials que permeten visualitzar la profunditat o l'espessor dels aqüífers. De la mateixa manera, es poden obtenir mapes piezomètrics per a un interval de temps i de punts determinats per l'usuari. Finalment, una altra eina ens permet consultar les interpretacions procedents d'assajos hidràulics. La informació obtinguda de totes aquestes eines s'emmagatzema a la base de dades, constituint d'aquesta manera una base per a futures interpretacions. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'aplicació d'aquesta plataforma software a la gestió de les dades disponibles de l'àrea urbana de Barcelona (NE de Espanya), obtenint una apropiada eina de gestió dels recursos hídrics d’aquesta zona, tant en termes de qualitat com de quantitat. Concretament a la zona del Delta del Besòs (NE de Barcelona), l'aplicació d'aquesta plataforma de gestió ens ha facilitat (1) la delimitació d'unitats geològiques basades en criteris d’estratigrafia seqüencial, (2) la generació d'un model geològic tridimensional de fàcies basat en aquests criteris estratigràfics i (3) l'ús del model geològic obtingut per a establir la distribució espacial dels paràmetres hidràulics que ens han servit per generar un model hidrogeològic consistenet del complex deltaic. Aquest model s'ha calibrat amb dades incloses a la base de dades i que procedeixen de diversos punts, tant de gestió com de producció, durant els últims 100 anys. Tot això ha suposat una millora significativa de la caracterització geològica del Delta del Besòs, el que ens ha portat a millorar la seva caracterització hidrogeològica

    A geological model for the management of subsurface data in the urban environment of Barcelona and surrounding area

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    The overdevelopment of cities since the industrial revolution has shown the need to incorporate a sound geological knowledge in the management of required subsurface infrastructures and in the assessment of increasingly needed groundwater resources. Additionally, the scarcity of outcrops and the technical difficulty to conduct underground exploration in urban areas highlights the importance of implementing efficient management plans that deal with the legacy of heterogeneous subsurface information. To deal with these difficulties, a methodology has been proposed to integrate all the available spatio-temporal data into a comprehensive spatial database and a set of tools that facilitates the analysis and processing of the existing and newly added data for the city of Barcelona (NE Spain). Here we present the resulting actual subsurface 3-D geological model that incorporates and articulates all the information stored in the database. The methodology applied to Barcelona benefited from a good collaboration between administrative bodies and researchers that enabled the realization of a comprehensive geological database despite logistic difficulties. Currently, the public administration and also private sectors both benefit from the geological understanding acquired in the city of Barcelona, for example, when preparing the hydrogeological models used in groundwater assessment plans. The methodology further facilitates the continuous incorporation of new data in the implementation and sustainable management of urban groundwater, and also contributes to significantly reducing the costs of new infrastructures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Plataforma para la gestión de datos hidrogeológicos en entornos urbanos

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    Hace unos años se decidió descontaminar el embalse de Flix, afectado por vertidos de residuos por un empresa química durante todo el siglo pasado. Los residuos formaron 4 lóbulos de sedimentos en el río, con elevadas concentraciones de Mercurio, compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV´s), residuos de producción de acetileno (Ca(OH)2) y pesticidas organoclorados. Se ha realizado un modelo 0D de transporte reactivo de la concentración en el agua conforme se excavan los sedimentos transitorio y explícito en excel, calibrado hasta Septiembre 2014 con datos semanales de la empresa extractora FCC. El modelo concluía dos graves problemas al terminar la excavación: Elevada concentración de Hg y pH (12.4), equilibrado con portlandita Desde Marzo de 2015 se observó un acusado descenso de pH y Hg. Nuestro objetivo ha sido encontrar la causa de estos descensos, para ello se han realizado simulaciones, muestreos y experimentos de laboratorio.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gb-SAR interferometry displacement measurements during dewatering in construction works : case of La Sagrera railway station in Barcelona, Spain

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.02.014Construction processes require monitoring to ensure safety and to control the new and existing structures. Traditional monitoring is based on land surveys and geotechnical instruments and only allows for point-like measurements. Ground-based synthetic aperture radar (GB-SAR) is a remote sensing radar installed in the ground that offers the possibility of acquiring measurements in 2D covering areas of up to a few square kilometers in a single acquisition. Because the GB-SAR technology measures phase shifts along the Line-of-Sight, it only allows for measurements in the longitudinal direction. Moreover, this technology requires coherence between subsequent acquisitions. These restrictions can be a limitation to the usage of GB-SAR for monitoring a construction process because in this context, the movements of soil and existing structures occur in any direction and at a very fast pace. This paper aims to test the GB-SAR suitability to measure movements during construction. To do so, an experiment was performed in the future railway station of La Sagrera, Barcelona (Spain), in which GB-SAR was used to accurately quantify wall displacements induced by dewatering and proved to be helpful to understand structural deformations and to identify vulnerable areas. The results were compared to traditional monitoring data and numerical models to confirm the reliability of the GB-SAR measurements.Postprint (published version

    AkvaGIS: an open source tool for water quantity and quality management

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    AkvaGIS is a novel, free and open source module included in the FREEWAT plugin for QGIS that supplies a standardized and easy-to-use workflow for the storage, management, visualization and analysis of hydrochemical and hydrogeological data. The main application is devised to simplify the characterization of groundwater bodies for the purpose of building rigorous and data-based environmental conceptual models (as required in Europe by the Water Framework Directive). For data-based groundwater management, AkvaGIS can be used to prepare input files for most groundwater flow numerical models in all of the available formats in QGIS. AkvaGIS is applied in the Walloon Region (Belgium) to demonstrate its functionalities. The results support a better understanding of the hydrochemical relationship among aquifers in the region and can be used as a baseline for the development of new analyses, e.g., further delineation of nitrate vulnerable zones and management of the monitoring network to control chemical spatial and temporal evolution. AkvaGIS can be expanded and adapted for further environmental applications as the FREEWAT community grows.Peer Reviewe

    AkvaGIS: an open source tool for water quantity and quality management

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    AkvaGIS is a novel, free and open source module included in the FREEWAT plugin for QGIS that supplies a standardized and easy-to-use workflow for the storage, management, visualization and analysis of hydrochemical and hydrogeological data. The main application is devised to simplify the characterization of groundwater bodies for the purpose of building rigorous and data-based environmental conceptual models (as required in Europe by the Water Framework Directive). For data-based groundwater management, AkvaGIS can be used to prepare input files for most groundwater flow numerical models in all of the available formats in QGIS. AkvaGIS is applied in the Walloon Region (Belgium) to demonstrate its functionalities. The results support a better understanding of the hydrochemical relationship among aquifers in the region and can be used as a baseline for the development of new analyses, e.g., further delineation of nitrate vulnerable zones and management of the monitoring network to control chemical spatial and temporal evolution. AkvaGIS can be expanded and adapted for further environmental applications as the FREEWAT community grows.Peer Reviewe

    Optical and magneto-optical studies of wide-bandgap semiconductors

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    The nature of excitonic localisation in binary, ternary and quaternary wide-bandgap II-VI and III-V semiconductor alloys has been investigated using photoluminescence, resonant vibrational Raman scattering and spin-flip Raman scattering spectroscopies. Despite the importance of wide-bandgap alloys in optoelectronic applications, details of their microstructure, doping and bandstructure remain incompletely understood. In this study doping and compensation issues have been examined in the binary alloy ZnSe and the magnetic field dependent behaviour of electrons and holes bound to neutral impurity centres has been established. In ternary alloys the sensitivity of the hole to strain was exploited to identify unambiguously simultaneously observed electron and hole signals. Modelling the anisotropic hole dependence on the magnetic field direction enabled the residual strain in lattice-matched epilayers to be precisely determined, together with impurity related bandstructure parameters. The k.p approximation was applied successfully to the alloy systems and employed throughout the study in the interpretation of the spectroscopic results, thus providing an important test of the bandstructure theory. The predicted compositional dependence of the electron gyromagnetic ratio was satisfactory, enabling discrimination between different sets of bandstructure parameters published in the literature. However, as with other semiconductors the hole dependence proved more problematic. Magneto-optical measurements revealed evidence of excitons weakly localised by potential fluctuations. Modelling these results with a suitable Hamiltonian enabled the electron-hole exchange interaction to be determined. Significantly, analogous results were obtained in both ZnMgSSe and AlGaInP quaternary alloy systems, inferring that the behaviour is a general feature of disordered alloys. Further, in MBE-grown AlGaInP the exchange splitting was found to be linearly dependent on the degree of localisation, implying the existence of an excitonic mobility edge. A simple model accounting for this linear dependence required a two-dimensional confining potential; this may therefore be related to excitonic localisation at disc-like antiphase boundaries previously reported for AlGaInP, although further work is required to investigate this possibility. (author)SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN041422 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    The natural monopoly issue in the liberalisation of the British telecommunications network

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:6100.82(4) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    A sequence stratigraphic based geological model for constraining hydrogeological modeling in the urbanized area of the Quaternary Besòs delta (NW Mediterranean coast, Spain)

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    The Quaternary Besòs delta is located on the Mediterranean coast in NE Spain. The Besòs Delta Complex includes 3 aquifers constituted by 3 sandy and gravelly bodies, separated by lutitic units. These aquifers supply water for domestic and industrial use in this area. Management of groundwater has been problematic in the Besòs delta since the 1960s, and continues to pose major problems for subsurface engineering works in this highly urbanized region. This study seeks to demonstrate the advantages of detailed geological characterization and modeling for designing and constructing a hydrogeological model. Available information of the subsurface was compiled, integrated and homogenized in a geospatial database. The interpretation of these data enabled us to delimit geological units by means of a sequence stratigraphic subdivision. A three-dimensional facies belt-based model of the Besòs delta was built on the basis of this geological characterization. This model was used to constrain the distribution of hydraulic parameters and thus to obtain a consistent hydrogeological model of the delta, which was calibrated by data of water management and production over the last hundred years. The resulting hydrogeological model yielded new insights into water front displacements in the aquifer during the time-span considered, improving predictions in an attempt to optimize aquifer management.Peer Reviewe

    Time-lapse cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography monitoring effects of an urban tunnel

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    Tunnel construction in urban areas has recently become a topic of interest and has increased the use of tunnel boring machines. Monitoring subsurface effects due to tunnel building in urban areas with conventional surface geophysical techniques is not an easy task because of space constraints. Taking advantage of the construction of a new metro line in Barcelona (Spain), a geoelectrical experiment, which included borehole logging and time-lapse cross-hole measurements using permanent electrode deployments, was designed to characterise and to study the subsurface effects of the tunnel drilling in a test site. We present a case study in which the differences between time-lapse cross-hole resistivity measurements acquired before, during and after the tunnel drilling below the test site have been calculated using three different procedures: a constrained time-lapse inversion, a model subtraction and an inversion of the normalised data ratio. The three procedures have provided satisfactory images of the resistivity changes and tunnel geometry, but resistivity changes for the tunnel void were lower than predicted by modelling. This behaviour has been explained by considering a conductive zone around the tunnel. Further, an apparent resistivity pseudosection for the cross-hole data, equivalent to the case of the equatorial dipole–dipole on the surface, is introduced.Peer Reviewe